How aware Are You in Your enterprise Life?

Insurance Jobs - How aware Are You in Your enterprise Life?

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"Final Notification" it said on the face of the envelope, with the words in all caps and red letters.

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Plus, "final" was underscored.

It may surprise you to hear that the response was a sigh of relief.

How come, you ask?

The envelope contained a sales pitch from a life guarnatee company with which there had been no previous dealings, just lots of mailings from them over the years.

Did "Final Notification" mean the pitches were at last to stop? How wonderful!

Every kind of tactic under the Sun is employed these days to get us to buy something we may not want and might well be better without.

It seems that using manipulation is how just about every person in the corporate world believes we have to do company if we are to succeed.

What a world of divergence there is when, if we have something we believe might be important to others-quite different from something we concocted just to make money-we naturally put it out there with no more enticement than factual information, merely letting population know what we have to offer and how it might benefit them.

When proximity guides us, no manipulation is required.

If we wish to be known in our company life, it's worth asking whether our "marketing" of ourselves is naturally letting population know of a product or service, or whether it's trying any which way we can to get them to buy.

Consciousness dictates that there's a much better way than our world's current deceptive tactics. It's naturally a matter of showing up, making our statement, and then allowing population the leisure to make their choice.

How different the company world would be if this were how every person functioned.

It's also the case that many of us wouldn't have lost so many friends who bought into varied forms of marketing and did their utmost to persuade us that this was also the way for us to make a killing.

It's always entertaining how schemes of this sort, which for a settle on whole do bring in a great deal of money, tout how it will be possible to laze nearby the swimming pool drinking cocktails instead of going to an office or facility each day.

Is our goal in life to get rich so we can do nothing? In which case we are missing what life is all about.

In our working life, are we arrival from consciousness, showing up to serve humanity? Or are we arrival from narcissism and greed?

Life isn't about taking it easy and making money. Life is about being true to who we are-which may or may not supply us with an plentifulness of material comforts.

As a wise person said once, our life doesn't consist of the whole of possessions we have. And if we already have a big barn that's full, but there's still so much more arrival to us, the smart thing isn't to build a bigger barn so we can hoard, but to share.

If greed weren't driving so much of modern company but rather a desire to conduce our gifts for the tasteless good, one in every seven Americans wouldn't be living in poverty today-let alone all the poverty that stalks less economically fortunate parts of the planet.

If money and "success" weren't our motivators, but the desire to express who we are as the self-manifestation of universal consciousness, we wouldn't be asking what the "going rate" of pay for a job is so we can pay as minute as possible. Instead of trying to see how minute we can get away with remunerating our employees, we'd be asking ourselves how much we can afford to reward them.

If serving and caring and loving were our approach, we'd be living in a world with no poverty, minute crime, and prosperity everywhere.

It's time to call "Final Notification" on the kind of arrival to company and work that isn't about serving others, only about serving ourselves.

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