Insurance Jobs - In hunt of Heroes Interview
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Interview by Ralph Zuranski
What is your definition of heroism?
It stems from the traditional word 'hero' which comes from the Greek roots servos and heroes, which means to serve and protect. So self-sacrifice for the higher good and betterment of humanity is at the heart of being a hero. And what that implies is that the seeds of greatness lie within us all because we all have that innate capacity to serve. Martin Luther King said it best: "Everyone can be great, because anyone can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't even have to make your branch and verb agree to serve...You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
Did you ever originate a hidden hero in your mind that helped you deal with life's difficulties?
Very challenging question. I have a Council of Light or imaginary team of heroes if you will. I got the idea from Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich, where he talks about creating a team of heroes in your mind, where you go deep within your mind and select your greatest heroes to sit on your round table and council you. I no ifs ands or buts go to a hidden place in my mind in meditation where I have a council of these people.
Some include greats like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Sinatra, Jodie foster, Oprah, Einstein, and an eclectic mix that changes from time to time. I no ifs ands or buts talk to them in my dreams and imagination and they give me answers encouragement and advice. It may sound strange, but that's how I've advanced my own 'wisdom council' if you will.
What were or are the qualities and attributes of your hidden heroes?
They had a dream, they were determined, and knew exactly what they wanted and they had a larger than life vision. They went out there with courage and did what they wanted to do and didn't take "no" from anybody and were able to perform their dreams; and so I look up to these role models knowing if they can do it, I can do it.
What is your perspective on goodness, ethics and moral behavior?
That's a very important question. We need to be able to ask ourselves, in company or in life, "Is it going to be a win-win situation for every person involved? Is it going to harm anyone?" If it's going to harm other habitancy or negatively affect and impact other habitancy around us then we should not pursue that avenue.
It plainly comes down to: are we no ifs ands or buts impacting other people, are we making a difference, and is it in line with our vision. A lot of habitancy yield to the greed factor and try taking short cuts for immediate gain without notice of others which leads to lots of problems.
What system are you willing to reduce your life for?
Freedom! free time is worth sacrificing my life for. free time to live our dreams, free time to imagine, to hope and prosper from doing what we love doing, that is worth giving up our lives for. In North America, we do have economic free time and political freedom, but that is not normal. We are blessed and privileged because more than half the world does not have the same opportunities.
When was the lowest point in your life and how did you turn your life path to one of victory over all obstacles?
As a very young child I grew up with a lot of racial hatred and prejudice because of the color of my skin and being a South Asian. I grew up with a lot of low self-esteem and low self-worth, and carried it all through my young adulthood. There was a tragic time in my life when my father passed away when I was 18 while I was going to high school in the States at that time.
That was a devastating touch for me because my father was my best friend and a beacon of light and hope for me, and he encouraged me to excel and be the best I can be. When my father passed away in a car accident, I fell in to a spiral of deep depression. Because of my low self-esteem and low sense of self-worth, I didn't see any way out and I was immersed in darkness and didn't know where to turn. At the time, my father didn't have any life or car insurance. I had to pay my way for my last year of high school (a hidden boarding school).
I ended up corking and uncorking blood specimen test tubes, working in a lab, and separating urine and stool samples all day long. Not the most challenging summer job for a student. Within a very short period of time, I became an alcoholic at 18 and I was passed out drunk on the streets of Queens, Ny and on the subways and didn't have a hope in the world.
That was the lowest point in my life and also a turning point in my life, because that was a point I decided. I knew where I was heading and I didn't want to end up like someone else statistic. I wanted to get myself out of that situation. For me personally, it was turning to God. Letting go and letting God and saying, "Let Your will be done. I need Your help and guidance." And God intervened in my life. That was an expected turning point in my life and turning to faith and the Higher Power in me was what gave me power and got me out of that situation.
Do you have a dream or vision that sets the course of your life?
Absolutely. My vision is to inspire the world and make a safe bet contrast in peoples' lives. To help originate a global culture of heroes and responsible citizens dedicated to promoting peace and prosperity in the world. That is a vision that's larger than life. It gets me going and energizes me whether I'm having a good day or bad day; it gets me up every morning and allows me to stretch and grow.
Do you take a safe bet view of setbacks, misfortunes and mistakes?
Absolutely! I think it was Mr. Thomas Watson Sr., founder of Ibm, who said, "If you want to increase your success rate, duplicate your failure rate." So failures and setbacks and mistakes are stepping stones towards greater and greater success. We need to ask ourselves: "What can we learn from this experience? How can we grow from this experience?" Because nothing no ifs ands or buts is a failure; all is a studying experience.
Does it take courage to pursue new ideas?
Yes it does. It takes a lot of courage because typically, in the new amelioration stage of an idea, habitancy tend to bring us down and want to put us at their own level. So having the courage to follow and not taking "no" for an riposte and going beyond is important. Together with myself.
Writing has been a passion of mine since I was probably 8 years old, and habitancy around me, especially in South Asian culture, and even sometimes within my family, were admonishing me not to be a 'writer' because I'd be a struggling artist all my life and telling me "why don't you be a doctor, or lawyer, or accountant, or get an Mba, so you can make money."
It took me courage to say "no" this is what I'm passionate about, this is what I love doing, and this is what I'm going to do and I stuck to it. I disciplined myself to write two hours every day and ten hours on the weekends (not Together with research) and in a period of about two years, I had a fulfilled, book, science of mind of the Hero Soul, which is an inspirational book and awakening the hero within and developing people's leadership potential.
Were you willing to touch pain in the race of your dream?
Yes. That is something that is principal because it takes a lot of hard work and effort. Nothing no ifs ands or buts comes easy. anyone worthy of great achievement requires hard work, effort, persistence, and perseverance.
How important is it to believe that your dreams will eventually become reality?
It is very important! I believe you have to taste and feel and smell your dream as if it is a reality right now. I'm a big believer in looking the reality and the vision and dream right up front, right now, the way it is. If you can't visualize and feel the tears of triumph running down your face when you win that award or get that promotion, nothing will happen.
It doesn't matter how many goals you set, or how many affirmations you say till you're blue in the face, if you don't have that feeling or that knowing that this is going to be a reality, then nothing is going to happen.
Everybody has doubts and fears. In fact a lot of habitancy are paralyzed by those doubts and fears. How are you able to overcome your doubts and fears?
One of the ways I'm able to overcome my doubts and fears is using a technique which I learned from Tony Robbins, where I conditioned myself to feel pain whenever doubts and fears entered my mind.
I put a rubber band around my wrist and every time I had a miniature inkling of doubt or fear of the miniature voice saying, "Sharif you can't do this," I just snapped that rubber band and it produced pain. There are two things that motivate human behavior: the desire to gain satisfaction or the desire to avoid pain; the desire to look good or avoid looking bad.
Another way of overcoming my doubts and fears is having a vision for myself of the hereafter and where I expect to be. This would no ifs ands or buts be a no ifs ands or buts good exercise that anyone could do: on a singular sheet of paper in the gift tense, write down where you want to be ten years from now.
What type of an earnings level would you want to be making? How would you be perceived and treated? What type of clothing would you be wearing? What type of lifestyle would you be living? Write it all down and then start being that man right now. Start commanding that nearnessy right now and you will attract the circumstances and the habitancy in your life to be able to perform that vision. Those are the two ways that I overcome my doubts and fears.
Who helped give you the willpower to turn things in your life for the better?
My father passed on a lot of wisdom and advice and encouraged me to study the lives of victorious habitancy and read victorious biographies. My father was a PhD. In Psychology. Ever since I was 8 years old he immersed myself in the classics like James Allen, Wayne Dyer, Shakti Gawain, Dale Carnegie, and all of these personal amelioration greats I started studying at a young age. So he was an inspiration to me.
Another man that was a real inspiration to me is a gentleman by the name of Jim Ross, who I dedicated my book to. He is the founder of the Canadian Academy of recipe Acting, and he taught me a lot about the science of mind of the hero and science of mind of the villain. He was a mentor to me, a messenger, a carrier of truth. He is undoubtedly a hero in my life.
How important is it to readily forgive those who upset, offend and oppose you?
It is no ifs ands or buts principal to be able to forgive habitancy that have offended or harmed us in any way. It's a very difficult thing to do, but if we no ifs ands or buts think about it, harvesting the anger and hatred inside against the other man is not doing anyone for that person.
It's only harming us and creating toxins and bad energies in our bodies which is going to ruin our health. I think there was some study where they said that even ten minutes of feeling angry had sufficient toxins in the blood to kill a guinea pig.
Can you dream half an hour or an hour or many years of feeling anger and hatred to somebody and what kind of damage that can do to our condition and mental well being? So it's very important to forgive others and be able to let go and move on.
Do you touch service to others as a source of joy?
Yes I do. I sincerely believe the hero's journey is about following one's bliss and doing what one loves doing in service to others. That is what no ifs ands or buts brings the most joy, and that is what no ifs ands or buts brings the most success as well, because the only way to get what we want is by helping sufficient habitancy get what they want first.
I'm a big believer in serving. If you want to increase your wealth and affect by ten times, just ask yourself the question, "How can I help ten times as many habitancy as I am helping right now?"
What place does the power of prayer have in your life?
The power of prayer has no ifs ands or buts changed my life a 180 degrees. I believe at the time when I was at a low point in Queens, Ny and had nowhere to turn to, if I had not prayed to God and asked for advice and intervention, I would undoubtedly not be here today; I would have probably been in an alleyway somewhere with a knife stuck in my back or ended up being a criminal. So prayer has been an important and daily part of my life.
Who are the Heroes in your life?
My father was a hero. Jim Ross, who I dedicated my book, The Hero Soul, has been a hero to me because he was a teacher and a mentor, a messenger, a carrier of truth. I think the habitancy out there making a contrast in peoples' lives, teachers, coaches, entrepreneurs; I think all those habitancy who are serving habitancy or helping solve problems and showing habitancy how to overcome their own problems are the real heroes; and it's unfortunate that the media doesn't pay sufficient attention, which is why I no ifs ands or buts like your "In hunt of Heroes Program" because it's no ifs ands or buts unique.
Why are Heroes so important in the lives of young people?
Heroes are so important in the lives of young habitancy because there are not a lot of role models out there. And some of the role models give a very negative impression. So when we see man in movies or even in school, when we see gang leaders who are profiting from criminal action and wearing nice clothes and driving a Mercedes, these habitancy have a negative affect on younger people.
I think the younger habitancy no ifs ands or buts need to see heroes and leaders who are not only making a contrast in peoples' lives but also prospering themselves so they can look to those habitancy as examples and follow in their pursuit. Our children and young ones are going to be the hereafter leaders of tomorrow. So it's very important to have the right heroes and the right leaders impacting their lives.
How do habitancy become heroes?
That's a very good question. To start, self knowledge is no ifs ands or buts important. On the Greek temple of Apollo there is an inscription that reads, "Know thyself, and you will know the gods and the universe!" To know your strengths and weaknesses, your deepest desires and your deepest fears, no ifs ands or buts being able to understand where you begin and where you end and beyond.
Self knowledge is so important because through self knowledge we learn what it is that we no ifs ands or buts want to do, what our calling in life is, what our blessings are. By pursuing those blessings, by following our bliss, and doing what we love doing in service to others, we automatically become heroes.
How does it feel to be recognized as a 'hero'?
It's a no ifs ands or buts rewarding feeling. Arrival from a stage in my life, having grown up in Scarborough here in Ontario, Canada, where I was suffering so much low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness that I never took any leadership roles at all in school and in my young adulthood; to now come full-circle and be respected as a 'leader' as a 'hero' training entrepreneurs, executives, and educators and students alike on the qualities of leadership and being a no ifs ands or buts is a very rewarding feeling to be held in respect and esteem. Words can't characterize it.
Why do you think you were excellent for this unique honor?
I believe that early in life, because of the unique situations that happened in my life, and the tragedies which I suffered, I related at a deeper level, at a spiritual level, and found out at a very early age what my calling in life is. And my calling, my purpose, is to enrich the lives of as many habitancy as I maybe can, using my God-given talents, writing being the main one. So I think I've been privileged because I saw my calling at an early age, and I took action and decided to pursue my calling regardless of what others were saying around me.
How will being recognized as a Hero turn your life?
It already has changed my life. I know if I were to pass away right now, that I have already done something that will leave a continuing legacy and a gift to humanity with the work that I've already done. And it gives me a great sense of peace. And what no ifs ands or buts gets me going, the drive, is mental what will be written on my epitaph when I die, how do I want to be remembered.
That's what allows me to want to serve as best I can using my God-given abilities to help as many habitancy as I can within the shortest time frame that's left because life is no ifs ands or buts fragile. Life is so short. I heard about Cory Rudl (world-renowned internet marketing expert) who recently passed away in a car accident, I think he was racing with a buddy, he was such an inspiration teaching habitancy about the internet. Life is no ifs ands or buts fragile and short and we need to make the most of it right now.
Do you have any good solutions to the problems facing society, especially racism, child and spousal abuse and violence among young people?
Our own image is reflected in every singular human private around us. What we do to others we are no ifs ands or buts doing to ourselves. And if we mistreat somebody else, or if we call somebody else names or harm somebody, we are no ifs ands or buts harming ourselves, because what goes around comes around and the law of petition says, 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' If you want to be respected and treated with love and compassion, then you need to treat other habitancy with love and compassion and respect - and you'll get that back ten times over.
If you had three wishes for your life and the world, that would instantly come true, what would they be?
My first wish would be to have habitancy in the world live in harmony and for habitancy to find ways to be victorious doing what it is that they no ifs ands or buts love doing. I'd love to see a world where we can no ifs ands or buts accommodate that and help habitancy to do what they love doing and prosper. I see so many habitancy and see so many youth out there who have all these aspirations and dreams, but they're not looking an outlet to be able to live those dreams. And they are no ifs ands or buts perishing inside. It's so sad to see so many habitancy who don't find a direction or calling in life and are mental of committing suicide. That is one wish: to see every person living a victorious life doing what they love doing.
My second wish, if there was a magic wand and it was a utopia, to end the wars and famine and disease, and have a world where there is just peace and love and respect for each other.
And finally, my third wish would be to have a world with habitancy dedicated to Excellence. Because God is Excellence! Being the best of the best, retention ourselves to high standards and to quality. We would no ifs ands or buts have a paradise on earth if were committed to excellence - towards truth, and nobility, and something grand.
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